Friday, October 22, 2004

Bush support with Blacks doubles

Here is a story from the LA Times "Kerry Seeks to Connect to Blacks." "After spending much of the spring and summer courting swing voters, Sen. John F. Kerry is now hurriedly trying to rev up enthusiasm among African Americans, turning his attention to a stalwart Democratic constituency that some community leaders complain he neglected for too long. In the last several weeks, Kerry has tapped the Rev. Jesse Jackson as a senior advisor, held a summit of African American clergy in Philadelphia and visited black churches in Cleveland and Miami, joined by Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton..."

Kerry's support now is down from the usual 82 to 83% to 69% in the black community, down to 64% in the Jewish community.
"Surveys taken by the Washington Post and ABC News in September showed that while nearly 80% of African Americans respondents said they planned to vote for Kerry, less than half of those considered themselves 'very enthusiastic' about his candidacy."

(LA Times: Kerry Seeks to Connect to Blacks)
(AP: Poll: Bush doubles support among blacks)
(AP: Kerry courts Jews with Hebrew stickers)


At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

African-Americans will turn out in large numbers to show how they feel about the Bush administration. We'll see how those poll numbers match up against the real thing on November 2nd.

Bush is going down.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Gus! said...

Well if the turn out is like you think. Then Blacks deserve to continually get screwed by racist liberals like yourself.


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