Monday, October 18, 2004

Why is Bush AND Kerry touring BLUE states? 'Cus Kerry is behind

The USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll that came out yesterday that shows Bush up eight in likely voters.

When you get down and look at all these polls over the past six months, throughout the whole race once the primary season ended for the Democrats, Kerry's never led this race. When you get right down to it, Kerry has never been in front in this race, and he's not now, and you could take all the big polls and you could lump them together as does and average them out and you get a Bush lead of plus 3.5. I tried to tell you, these polls, the horse race polls, don't tell you what you need to know. You need to go to the battleground states and look at the state polls. Look at the Electoral College map and see how things are shaping up there. However, there are also some other polls that are taken out there that we never know about.

We're never told about these polls, and these are the polls that are run by the campaigns. Kerry campaign has its own poll out there and they do their internal polling and focus grouping, and the Bush campaign is doing same thing. Now, we don't know what these polls say, but we can get a pretty good idea what they say by watching some things. We can, A, watch where the candidates go, and, B, we can listen to what they say. Now, I'm not trying to get anybody's false hopes up here, but I'm going to tell you something, folks: The Kerry campaign is not behaving as though they are confident of a win. In fact, they are acting desperate. The Kerry campaign is going places they shouldn't be going. They're going to places like Wisconsin which they ought to have wired. Kerry is going to states he already ought to have in his camp.

Bush, on the other hand, is going to states that are marginally in the Kerry camp but may be still up for grabs like
Oregon. Bush last week spent a lot of time in Oregon. You're saying, "What's he doing in Oregon, it's a Kerry state?" It means something. It means that Bush maybe, based on polling, thinks they've got a chance to do something in Oregon. It means that Bush is secure in his base and that Kerry is not. Kerry’s people are not nearly as excited about Kerry as Bush people are as excited about Bush.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Chuck said...

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