Thursday, October 14, 2004

I Voted

Today as part of the North Carolina early voting program, I got my chance to vote for the US general elections. Local news was there and I was interviewed twice; one of which made the 5 o'clock time slot. My wife taped it and there was not much really there but it was fun nonetheless. They did not show my 15 second sound bite of my support for Bush. Go figure.

Here is what I said:

I voted for President Bush because I feel that his administration has a clearer
understanding of how to deal with issues as they pertain to the black community.
I feel that Kerry has nothing to offer other than the usual pandering. Culturally and traditionally speaking, African-Americans are compassionate. We are conservative but vote the opposite. I am here to help reverse that trend. George W. Bush is the compassionate conservative that fits our bill.
Can anyone explain to me why this did not make the evening news?

Needless to say I voted for the president. It was the first time in my life that every voted for a republican for president. I am OK with that. I feel I made the right choice for myself and my family.


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