Thursday, October 14, 2004


Again, never take my word for it:

"I think Bush knocked Kerry out tonight. I think it was just, he just slaughtered him." -- Bill Kristol on Fox News

"I think [Bush] won this debate." - Mort Kondracke on Fox News

"This makes Bush the comeback kid of these debates." - Mort Kondracke

President Bush "was particularly effective tonight." - George Stephanopoulos on ABC

President Bush "did exactly what he needed to do in debate two into debate three." - Joe Scarborough on MSNBC

"Bush scored in 'Global Test' and terrorism as a 'nuisance.'" - Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC

"Bush won it. ... Kerry was generally back on his heels throughout the night. ... Bush really did pull it out." - Jonah Goldberg, National Review

Now the real works begins. Donate money, organize a Bush walk, attend or host a party, volunteer at your local campaign headquarters. It is going to take all of us to come together to prevent these aweful two words being used over and over for the next four years: President Kerry. It almost makes me want to puke.


At 2:16 AM, Blogger The Brain said...

How anyone can argue that Bush won thedebate is beyond me.I have watched all 3 debates and have not been impressed by Bush at all.

Basically seems to be operating on auto-pilot using stock replies whether they have any relevance to the question at hand or not.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The consensus is that Kerry won the first debate on style only. As faras what he said, he had nothing really to add. Bush won the 2nd and 3rd debates out right.

But liberals don't care about facts so they see what they want to see.


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