Thursday, September 23, 2004

Kerrynomics: An Agenda for Calamity

Columnist and professor Ralph R. Reiland today looks at a new study which finds that a Kerry presidency would be disastrous for America’s small businesses. Small businesses account for 99.7 percent of all employers in the U.S. and create 75 percent of the net new jobs.
Without the small business sector of the economy, America would be flat on its back -- economically, politically, and militarily. And presidential hopeful John Kerry has consistently taken positions over the past decade that are a direct threat to the strength and survival of entrepreneurial activity and small businesses in this country.

That's the ominous conclusion of a new report from the D.C.-based Small Business Survival Committee, "Bigger Government on the Way? Senator John F. Kerry's 10-Year Voting Record on Key Small Business Issues."…

Overall, on an array of matters that impinge directly on the bottom line of the nation's key source of new employment, SBSC reports that Kerry voted on the side of small business "a mere 13 times out of the 101 votes that SBSC rated during the past decade, giving him a weak 13 percent rating on key small business issues."

Year after year, on issue after issue, Kerry's votes on small business issues reveal an approach that time and again threatens to undermine the strength and vitality of the precise sector of the American economy that's now shouldering the greater part of job creation and innovation.

"Senator Kerry voted against small business 94 percent of the time on tax-related legislation rated by SBSC," says research associate Chris W. Myers. "Given 34 opportunities to support business on tax issues, Kerry chose to do so on only two occasions."…

On regulatory reform, SBSC reports that Kerry voted against small business 25 out of 30 times…

On votes over the past 10 years in the area of legal reform, the SBSC analysis shows Kerry voting in opposition to small business 90 percent of the time…

On health coverage issues, "Senator Kerry voted against the interests of small business 100 percent of the time," reports SBSC.

The list goes on and on. Read the whole article for a full report on Kerry’s “agenda that's the perfect prescription for fewer business start-ups, more bankruptcies, less entrepreneurship, less economic growth, more unemployment, slower income growth, smaller take-home pays, more poverty, more regulators, more lawyers and bigger government.”


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Exactly right. Kerrynomics will hurt small and large business. Now, as all good communists know (certainly Kerry does), big business is truly evil. So, being the good commie as Kerry is, what does he propose? Raise taxes on successful people (earning $150K/year or more right?) and punish businesses for earning profits! The perfect formula for a lousy economy. Bad imperialist business! Kerry will get them back in line with outrageous taxes!


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