Thursday, September 23, 2004

Black, Gay Republicans for Bush

Bush picked up another huge endorsement yesterday. It seems as though the libs are losing their monopoly on their core base of disenfranchised constituents.

Black Gay Republicans Break with Log Cabin Republicans, Endorse Bush

The ALBRC was co-founded by Don Sneed, a member of the Log Cabin Republicans, to address the political issues and needs of young Black gay Republicans, who he says: "Our voices are never heard, yet we exist and are growing in numbers." The endorsement was fueled by the Log Cabin Republicans' refusal to endorse President Bush. "We think that the 'Republican Tent' is inclusive and there is room for differences, but one does not pick up their marbles and go home if there are a few points of disagreement," stated Anthony Falls, Republican Precinct Chairman

The article goes on to say...

"With this election as close as it is, especially in the battleground states, any movement of the Black vote towards President Bush, could make a significant difference," stated Sneed. "We are determined to use whatever resources we have to get the word out, especially to Black voters of why a vote for Bush is a vote for economic, social and political self- upliftment."

The dems are digging their own grave by lining up with the wacko left fringe. I say more to ya! You are just making our job easier.


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