Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Black liberals beginning to see the light

Blacks for Bush have won my respect

This Chicago Sun-Times editorial is a great article to send to your liberal buddies. While it will not convice the liberal masses, it will convey an honesty and sincerety conveyed by the author. I really don't think that the vast majority of African-Americans identify the values of the Repulican party with their own.

"I was raised in a Democratic household," actor Joseph C. Williams told me. Williams, who appeared on the "Cosby Show," "General Hospital" and "The District," was the co-chairman of the "African Americans for Bush" steering committee. "The Republican values are the same values that are in most African-American homes. This party reflects those values much more than the opposition."

Let's take education. Mary Mitchell mentions existing problems in school districts that don't seem to have the children's best interests in mind.

"I lived in a school district that had the lowest test scores in the state of Pennsylvania, and the population was about 99 percent African American. We fought so hard to bring in a company as a consultant to improve one of our schools, but we had a teachers union that fought us every step of the way. I decided then that I didn't need to be part of a party that continued to say that they are for education, health care and jobs in our community and they do not support the very essence of our community, which is our children."

She further disspells the myths of No Child Left Behind.

Although Democrats bash Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, those same Democrats rarely mention that one of the architects of the plan is Rod Paige, an African American who was appointed Education secretary in the Bush administration. Having attended segregated schools in his youth, I'm convinced that despite the act's shortcomings, Paige is committed to challenging what the Republicans call the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

I salute you Mrs. Mitchell. You may end up voting for Kerry, but at least you are fair and honest in looking at both sides.


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