Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Young Black Woman for George W. Bush

This was aired yesterday on the Rush Limbaugh show
Young Black Woman for George W. Bush (membership required)

It's good to see that there are young African-Americans out there that can think critically. Hope is indeed on the way. It is in the form of new black conservatives.

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here's Quinesha. Quinesha in Columbus, Georgia.

CALLER: Hi, how are you, Rush?

RUSH: Thank you. Great. How are you?

CALLER: I am absolutely wonderful. I just want to tell you thank you so much for all you do, and I can honestly say I started listening to your program about a year ago, had some people in my family, and I will tell you that just your insight on everything -- just like the previous caller said -- is amazing. I'm a black American. I'm in my twenties. I will tell you that I have chosen to change the party that I belong to because I can follow someone with character like our president, and I just want to tell you that things are changing in the black community. I had a quick comment about the UN address.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: I thought it was awesome, Rush. I'll tell you that just to hear him stand firm and not worry about the criticism, you know, to say, "We can't leave until the job is done," and I'm a veteran, and I can stand behind that, and (laughs) Kerry is just running around saying a lot of the same things that the president is saying about his plan, and to me none of these countries in the UN can fund the war, never have they put their troops and their money where their mouth is. I mean, didn't we do this in Somalia? RUSH: Oh, exactly. Not only that, Quinesha. I asked this earlier in the program. Terrorism is what it is. It is the taking and the threatening and the frightening of innocent people. You would think that all these nations who profess to have a concern for human rights would be rising up in righteous indignation that it is occurring in their countries, on their soil, or in neighboring countries and would be hell-bent on destroying it --

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: -- and yet we, the ones who take the lead in this are considered the ones to be causing all of this. It's outrageous! It's incomprehensible -- unless you understand the mind-set of the left. So when you see Bush, here's aaaaall this criticism. I don't know if you saw some of the networks today doing the prelude to his appearance. Now, they're all given the speech as many advance, some of it in advance, but they all were speculating, "Will Bush pull back? Will Bush express his regrets? Will Bush admit mistakes?" and what does Bush do? Comes down and just hammers them and says, "I haven't made any mistakes. Mistakes? We're not talking about mistakes. We've got difficulties. Difficulties always occur when you're trying to do things right against such odds, but we're going to stay the course." That's why I wanted everybody to hear this because it is inspiring, and it is such a contrast to what we're hearing from the left in this country.

CALLER: Well, I feel that Democrats and liberals in the UN, what they want is they want freedom when it comes to the ACLU, and anything-goes mentality in this country, but when it comes to freedom of other countries and other people, it seems like they're selective and they want to pick and choose who can be free to say what they want to say, to do what they want to do, and it seems like if you're a Republican or Christian or anything like that or you have values, that you are attacked and you're told, "You can't believe what you want to believe, how you want to believe."

RUSH: Why do you think that is?

CALLER: Well, I really justly believe it's just a lack of standards. It's a lack of standards. I heard -- RUSH: No, no, no, no, no. It's not. There is that, but there's a bigger reason. It's called fear.

CALLER: Oh, yeah. That's true.

RUSH: When you start talking about "right and wrong," "good and evil," and so forth, what you're doing is saying that there are such thing as moral absolutes, and this just scares them. CALLER: It does, and I heard something this past weekend on one of the radio shows. They said, you know, "Liberals make decisions based on emotion and conservatives make decisions based on facts," and I just actually sat and watched all the different things that Kerry said, and he blatantly lies about the facts in what he said two days ago, and that scares me to think that he has no plan, and he's just going to go by what the polls say, and I'm not going to bow to France, you know? That's what makes our country great. We've always taken the lead because that's just the position and the responsibility that we've taken in history and I just feel like, you know, the question I want to ask people that are out there as liberals is: Who do you think Osama bin Laden wants as president? That's the biggest question that scares me. RUSH: Well, Bill Gertz has a story in the Washington Times. He's also has a great book out, by the way, Bill Gertz's book on "Treachery," about how our supposed allies undermined us and continue to do so. Bill Gertz: the name of the book is "Treachery." He's got a piece in the Washington Times today that basically says the U.S., U.S. officials are ramping up their preparedness for a heightened terror season based on our election all the way through to the inauguration, taking it very seriously. One thing also, Quinesha, that when you talk about John Kerry's speech yesterday that you never, ever hear John Kerry talking about -- and I want to make a little point about this. I've been saying this for years. You never hear John Kerry talk about victory. You never hear him talking about prevailing in this. John Kerry's strategy is getting us out of there. The hell with what happens after we leave -- somewhat similar to his beliefs in Vietnam. Now, beginning in the early 90s, mid-90s, those of you who have been with me that long, you may recall that I have said: You can't avoid this. We're always in the midst of generational shifts and generational evolution in this country, and because of the aging of the World War II generation, we have arrived or are very near arriving at a point where presidential candidates will come from generations that will have no memory of a U.S. victorious in war. Which I think is, frankly, unfortunate. It is crucial I think that we have people who seek to lead this country who have memory, experience, belief in a victorious America -- and that of course must coincide with a belief that America is good and just and decent. Well, here we have an aspect of this coming to fore in the reverse. We have the Vietnam generation, which for the last ten years and perhaps who knows how many years more, ten more, will produce candidates for leadership whose only memory is of a U.S. that was immoral, ignoble, criminal, and defeated in war. That's their experience with it. That is what they think the U.S. is good for: criminality, ignobility, worthlessness and defeat, and that's what we deserve and the reason they think this is because that's what they believed when they were young during the war itself, the war in Vietnam, and their protest of that war gave them their identity and they don't want to look back on their youth as wasted days and so they have to validate what they did. They have to validate their views, so they animate their current lives with those same views applied to today's U.S. military -- and ergo, we have John Kerry. We have a presidential candidate with no memory of an America victorious at war and it's no coincidence, therefore, that we don't hear John Kerry talk about victory in war. We hear him talk about defeat, staving off defeat. We hear him talking about leaving, retreating, getting out. We hear him talk about the doom and gloom that results from engaging in these great causes. So this is important stuff. Another reason why this war is important: This was a war brought to us, let us not forget. A war brought to us, not on September 11th. That's just the most recent example and the deadliest, but it was brought to us on countless previous occasions. Only now do we have a leader willing to do something about it because during the nineties we had a 60s generation president who did not have any experience with America victorious at war, just the opposite. So it is important that this prevail and that we prevail and that this generation thus produce leaders who remember an America victorious and just, moral and good in times of war, because this is a world governed by the aggressive use of force, folks. You can have all the UNs in the world you want, all the UN charters and all of these agreements and conventions and whatever you want to call them and all these treaties -- and they don't mean diddly-squat, because this is a world governed by the aggressive use of force. END TRANSCRIPT


At 10:37 AM, Blogger HCL said...

Thanks for the transcript, Gus. I would have otherwise missed that exchange. Just found your blog yesterday, following your comment at La Shawn's. Glad to see a proud North Carolinian giving his views. Keep up your good blogging.



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