Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Kerry losing blacks' support

By focusing all of his rhetoric on Iraq, Kerry has alienated a good portion of the African-American democratic base. This is not the time first either.

Here is a snippet from a Washington Times article out today:
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry has seen a 10 percent decline in his support among black voters in the past month that has forced him to devote more campaign resources to energize one of his party's most loyal constituencies.
"Kerry continues to hold a big lead among African-Americans," but his "advantage is narrower than it was last month," Pew Research Center said in a national poll.
Pew said that in a head-to-head matchup with President Bush, Mr. Kerry's support among black voters has fallen from 83 percent in August to 73 percent now, while Mr. Bush's black support has doubled, from 6 percent to 12 percent.
Read the full article here: Kerry losing blacks' support


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