Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Democratic Party: The Last Plantation In America

This is a LaShawn ditto and very interesting point of view. The article entitled Last Plantation In America is from the Las Vegas Sun and follows the reaction to Clark County Commissioner Lynette Boggs McDonald comments concerning the Democratic party. Here is a clip.

Some local black Republicans said they understand why Clark County Commissioner Lynette Boggs McDonald last week called the Democratic party the “last plantation in America.”

Democrats quickly held a press conference Friday to call for an apology from Boggs McDonald, saying it was “unconscionable” and “inexcusable” to use slavery – one of the nation’s darkest periods – in political campaigns.

“To invoke the comparison is irresponsible,” said Clark County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates.

But the Republican party is increasingly using powerful language to say that Democrats take blacks for granted and aren’t doing enough to empower the black community…

[E]qual opportunity, school choice, tax relief and faith-based organizations that help the community…."Those are the things that matter most to my family and why I’m supporting our leaders in Congress and President Bush,” she says.

Local black Republicans said they agree that the Democratic Party pays lip service to blacks during election season but does little to bring blacks to the table when it comes to setting policy….

“African-Americans have to look more toward self reliance, less government and being able to create more opportunities for themselves….We’re dealing with the remnants of the ’60s,” [Cornell] Clark said. “But these young, so-called upwardly mobile people — they’re open minded. They don’t think like the old crowds."(my emphasis)

Any chance I get to expose the liberals for who and what they really are I am going to jump on it. Check out the response from the democrats:
Democrats quickly held a press conference Friday to call for an apology from Boggs McDonald, saying it was "unconscionable" and "inexcusable" to use slavery -- one of the nation's darkest periods -- in political campaigns.

"To invoke the comparison is irresponsible," said Clark County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates.
Ok fine. But really, let's be honest. Is it not the democrats that every four years whip out the race card to scare the mess out of potential black voters? Isn't it the DNC and their lib buddies that constantly label conservatives as racist and bigots? The libs can dish it but they sure as heck can not take it.

The fact is that it has been the 30 plus years of liberal policies that have kept African-Americans from reaching our full potential. And we as a people are beginning to see that. Black power indeed.


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